
The fuel industry is in constant flux, and we always keep an eye on any developments that can benefit our clients. Here, we’ll share findings, some research, and our opinions on a wide range of topics related to our industry.

Three things you can do to help us keep your fuel deliveries coming

home deliveriesWinter can be pretty unpredictable here in Ontario, and that unpredictability can make delivering heating oil or propane challenging: the combination of blizzard conditions, packed ice and extreme cold can make it difficult for our delivery teams to reach you and provide the fuel that keeps your family safe and warm, or your business up and running.

While the weather is uncontrollable, it is possible to take steps closer to home that can make fuel deliveries easier for our dedicated fleet of drivers and technicians so we can provide timely emergency service to every customer in our service area.

In the coming weeks and months, we would deeply appreciate it if you do these three things for us:

  • Keep tree branches trimmed back and a path cleared in areas on the way to and surrounding your fill pipe or propane tank.
  • Clear a 10-foot wide path in your driveway to a height of at least 14 feet so our trucks can safely maneuver.
  • Clear walkways so our technicians can access your home safely.

Thank you in advance for your help – if have any questions about this information or about propane or heating oil deliveries in Ontario, please contact us at 1-800-661-2673

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