
The fuel industry is in constant flux, and we always keep an eye on any developments that can benefit our clients. Here, we’ll share findings, some research, and our opinions on a wide range of topics related to our industry.

The Core Fuels Market Outlook for July, 2021

North American oil prices are on the rise, mainly due to lower inventory levels and political pressures on the pipeline companies.  US crude inventories are expected to drop to their lowest levels since February 2020.  Propane prices have hit their highest levels since 2013, due to high demand for exported propane. While Canadian propane inventory is increasing daily and is higher than last year, US propane inventories are down from previous years. The weatherman is predicting a 60% chance of above average temperatures for the next 3 months, but who trusts the weatherman these days. At Core Red Cap and Waterloo County Propane we offer equal billing and yearly fixed pricing. Please call the office for more information.

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