Yvonne has been with Core Fuels for eight years, working as an administrative assistant. Her tasks are numerous and diverse and include answering the phone, helping customers with issues that may arise, training new hires, looking after vehicle compliance and licensing, scheduling service technicians—virtually anything that keeps the Core Fuels ship sailing smoothly throughout the week. “I love solving problems at work—finding ways to make processes more efficient,” she said. Prior to Core Fuels, Yvonne worked for a number of years as a receptionist at a distribution company.

There are two key aspects of Yvonne’s job that she’s particularly fond of—her colleagues and Core Fuels’ customers. Clearly, Yvonne is a people person. “My colleagues are hard workers who love to have fun. We get a lot done in the course of a day, but we do it with humour. This blending of hard work and smiles is what makes working at Core such a great experience. Our office is a comfortable place for me to be. Going to work is something I look forward to,” noted Yvonne. “And as for our customers, well, they too are generally very pleasant whenever I speak with them, probably because they feel good about the service that Core provides. It’s great when customers come into our office so I can put faces to names. This adds another dimension to my job.”
Yvonne grew up on a farm outside of Stratford and has lived in the area her entire life. She can’t imagine living anywhere else. In this regard, her feelings about her community are similar to those about her colleagues and customers. “What more could I want?” she says. “One of my favourite things to do is to work in my garden—and to relax in the back yard. I also love spending time with our adult children and walking and hiking with my husband and our two dogs. The dogs are great to go camping with as they thrive on adventure too. We’re keen on trying out new campgrounds, especially those where there’s lots of activities to keep us busy. I’m really looking forward to summer so we can do some exploring.”