The best for you
of Oil Heat
Clean, efficient oil heat continues to keep many homes and businesses in Midwestern Ontario warm and safe, even during our bitter-cold winters. Sit back and relax, knowing you can depend on this safe heating source.

Liquid home heating oil doesn’t burn; it can be ignited only by the advanced burning system in your oil burner or furnace.

New oil heating systems produce no soot, dirt or odour—in fact, today’s heating oil is 95% cleaner than heating oil produced in 1970.

New furnaces have oil heat efficiency ratings ranging from 85% to more than 95% efficient. They produce more Btu’s of heat per litre than any other fuel source, including natural gas and propane.

Oil burns at more than 1200° Celsius—a temperature far higher than can be achieved in the core of an electric heat pump. That means warmer air in your home—and more comfort for your family.
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