
The fuel industry is in constant flux, and we always keep an eye on any developments that can benefit our clients. Here, we’ll share findings, some research, and our opinions on a wide range of topics related to our industry.

Can Propane Freeze in Your Outdoor Propane Tank?

Thermometer in the snow

If you heat your home with propane, you already know how well it keeps your family warm and safe no matter how cold it gets here in Ontario. But just how cold can it get outside before the gas in your outdoor propane tank starts “acting up?”

The answer is pretty dang cold.

Propane turns to a liquid at -42 degrees C; if it gets that cold or colder, pressure inside your propane tank will drop, eventually reaching a point where it is too low to effectively power your propane heating equipment.

The good news is that as cold as it gets in this part of Ontario, temperatures are not likely to reach that low (for you trivia buffs, Toronto reached an all-time low of -33.3 degrees C on January 4, 1981), but it still pays to take some precautions if you own a propane-heated home in the area.

To avoid pressure problems during cold weather extremes:

Other extreme weather propane tips:

  • Clear snow and ice from propane tank regulators, vents, piping and valves to prevent damage that could cause a gas leak.
  • Remove snow and ice from appliance vents, flues and chimneys to allow the gas to vent properly.
  • Place a flag, pole, or stake next to your tank that is tall enough to be seen over the expected snowfall and drifts; this will help you find the tank in heavy snow.
  • Turn off the main gas supply if an appliance fails to light or if a gas leak is detected.

Winter is almost here – do you have enough propane to keep your family safe, warm, and comfortable? Fill up today with the pros at Core Fuels and Red Cap Propane!

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