
The fuel industry is in constant flux, and we always keep an eye on any developments that can benefit our clients. Here, we’ll share findings, some research, and our opinions on a wide range of topics related to our industry.

10 Ways to Prepare for Severe Weather in Your Propane-Powered Ontario Home

Winter storm warning

Now that winter is in full swing here in Ontario, it’s a good time for a reminder about preparing for and responding to severe weather conditions in your propane-powered home; as always, your family’s safety is our number one concern.

Here are some severe weather and hurricane safety reminders for your family:

  1. Always listen to local authorities; if you must evacuate your property, use extreme caution when returning.
  2. Create an emergency plan and review it with your family (for tips on preparing an emergency plan, check out this link).
  3. Post a list with our contact information plus numbers for emergency services, along with instructions for turning off propane, electricity, and water.
  4. If you have an aboveground propane tank, make sure it is securely anchored and marked with a flag in the event of heavy snowfall.
  5. Have an adequate supply of propane in your tank – enough to last at least a week or more in the event of road closures. If you have a propane generator, be sure to test it before severe weather strikes, and make sure to get a propane delivery in advance of the event.
  6. If severe weather threatens your safety, shut off your gas. Turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank if it is safe to do so. Also, turn off the gas supply valves located near individual indoor appliances.
  7. After severe weather passes, check the area for downed power lines, damaged gas lines, or damage to your tanks and appliances.
  8. Inspect your fuel-burning appliances for damage if it is safe to do so. If the appliances have been damaged, have them serviced immediately.
  9. NEVER turn on a light switch, use any power source, or inspect your household appliances while standing in water.
  10. NEVER use outdoor, fuel-burning appliances indoors or in enclosed area. This can result in carbon monoxide poisoning or death.

If you have any questions about propane safety for severe weather, contact us today.

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